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The Shchedrukhinskaya Coal Preparation Plant launched

On the 25th of August we put into operation a new coal preparation plant called "Shchedrukhinskaya". It is set to process 3.5 million tons of coking and thermal coal per year. In terms of technology and equipment the plant is the first of a kind enterprise in our country. The Shchedrukhinskaya Plant is a part of the industrial Holding Company TopProm. The uniqueness of the new facility is that the technology used in the new production allows to wash easy, medium and difficult raw coals of steaming and coking grades. At present most washeries in Kuzbass normally treat only one type of coal. The clean coal that will be produced by the Shchedrukhinskaya Plant is intended for the by-product-coking industry and energy-generating enterprises both in Russia and abroad.