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A chance to see wildlife beauty

On November 27th the City Library of Novokuznetsk opened the exhibition "Taking the Path of Kuznetsky Alatau". This art project will give the citizens of Novokuznetsk and other cities of South Kuzbass a chance to see the beauty of nature of one of the most picturesque national parks on the planet. This became possible thanks to the support of TopProm Holding and personally TopProm’s Director Nikolay Vladimirovich Korolev.

A month earlier, the citizens of Prokopyevsk city had already been able to visit this exhibition and to admire the beauty of Kuznetsky Alatau.

The opening of the exhibition in Novokuznetsk became the next stage of this unique project. The presentation program included the opening of the exposition (consisting of 100 photos of Aleksey Vasilchenko and Sergey Shakuro – “Flora and Fauna of the State Nature Reserve “Kuznetsky Alatau”), the showing of documentary film “The Results of one expedition”, shot in the area of the Rybnoye lake and the Kanym mountain ridge, and the official part.

Welcome speeches and congratulation words were said by the Head of Novokuznetsk Municipal District Mr. A.I. Miroshinik, by the Director of the Siberian Art Gallery Ms. O.M. Galygina, by the Chairman of Committee for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Mr. I.N. Savin, by the Director of the City Library Ms. V.V. Skalenchuk and by the Art Critic Ms. G.S. Ivanova.

The Director of TopProm CJSC Mr. N.V. Korolev, being the guest of honor and the person thanks to whom this project became feasible, was given an honorary right to open the photo exhibition and to cut the red ribbon. In his congratulation speech Mr. Korolev emphasized the importance of the ongoing event: “We all know how complicated to maintain the Reserve with the area of 400 thousand hectares, but we must preserve it for our children, grand children and next generations and give them an opportunity to touch what was created by nature”. He also thanked the staff and the Director of the State Natural Reserve Mr. Aleksey Vasilchenko for their significant work and invaluable contribution to preservation of the Reserve ecosystem.

The exhibition in the City Library will be open till January 2013.

N.V. Korolev, Director of CJSC “TopProm”

O.M. Galygina, Director of Siberian Art Gallery

A.I. Miroshnik, Head of Novokuznetsk Municipal District

 N.V. Korolev, Director of CJSC “TopProm”, and A.A. Vasilchenko, Director of the Kuznetskiy Alatau Natural Reserve

 Exhibition guests
Exhibited photo “Mashka”
 Exhibited photo “Baby roe deer”
 Exhibited photo “Arctic hare”
 Exhibited photo “Berry-eyed”
Exhibited photo “Race” Exhibited photo “Bumblebees”