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Corporate newspaper

On October, 30th the first issue of our corporate newspaper “TopProm Today” was published. On this day many TopProm employees were surprised to see a postman distributing the newspaper and announcing its contents.

All 999 freshly-printed copies of the first issue dispersed among TopProm enterprises immediately. The newspaper distribution was entrusted to a corporate postman who was announcing the news and handing in the newspaper to the employees.

TopProm Today newspaper will enable the employees of all TopProm enterprises to receive reliable information on the ongoing events, achievements and plans. The leading world corporations use internal publications for creating common information area, for covering key events in the everyday history, for discussing questions of current interest and for strengthening internal corporate relations. TopProm Holding is developing dynamically and this newspaper will serve to unite the staff of 1000 people into one team which is destined to bring the company to the leading positions on the coal market.

In the next issues we will write about the most important events and cover TopProm’s plans, ideas and current tasks, as well as corporate and personal achievements. Besides our newspaper will become a place for direct dialogue between the employees and the management. For this purpose several means are provided: mailboxes for paper letters, e-mail and editorial office telephone.

Everybody has a chance to become a co-author of TopProm Today. We suggest you to send us e-mails, favorite pictures, poems, interesting stories from your professional and every-day life. It is time to get to know each other better!

Our congratulations on the first issue of the “TopProm Today” and looking forward to your comments and opinion!