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The Taibinskaya CPP joins TopProm CJSC

Constant growth of demand for clean coal can be observed at the Russian and global coal markets. In order to meet this demand TopProm Holding purchased the Taibinskaya Coal Preparation Plant on February 28, 2012.

To satisfy the market demand for clean coal the management team of TopProm Holding has come to the decision to buy the TaibinskayaCPP. One of the key factors that made this decision positive is the presence of the coal-drying facility and a flotation cell at the Plant, which make it possible to produce dry clean coal and wash coal sizes up to 0 mm. The Taibinskaya Plant was built in 1953 and has outdated equipment at the moment.

Currently, the engineers of TopProm Holding are examining the equipment and selecting the raw coal blend, without interruption of production process. In the nearest future, TopProm is planning to update the equipment and retrofit the Plant in order to increase the clean coal quality and the Plant production capacity. The Plant re-equipment will make it possible to clean the coals of both coking and thermal grades. In the process of reconstruction, special attention will be given to the arrangements aiming to bring the production process in compliance with all health and safety regulations, as well as to the environment protection of the city of Kiselevsk.

In 2012 the following activities will be held in order to improve working conditions and to bring the plant in compliance with safety regulations:

-           Wash-rooms for workers will be renovated.

-           A new canteen will be constructed, thus the employees will be provided with hot meals. Until now the plant didn’t have a canteen.

-           All workers will be provided with new personal protective equipment.

-           The workers who are engaged in jobs with harmful working conditions will be provided with free-of-charge milk as per established norms.

-           Employees who have medical grounds for health resort treatment will be provided with health resort vouchers paid by the company.

Also in 2012 it is planned to implement some socially-oriented programs:

-           Delivery of personnel to the job site and back home after working shift.

-           Employees’ children will have an opportunity to spend vocations in children’s holiday camps.

Reconstruction of Taibinskaya Plant is scheduled to be finalized within the next three years and will cost more than 800 million roubles.