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Educating employees

In late June and early July the TopProm’s employees had a chance to attend plenty of training workshops.

On the 25th of June the legal department of TopProm participated in a workshop summarizing changes in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation valid as of the 1st of June 2015.

The accounting and tax officers together with the HR managers attended an educational seminar on the 30th of June. It was dedicated to recent changes in Consultant Plus - the assistance system to work with the legislation of Russia (interface, search methods, mobile apps), as well as to the changes in the financial accounting laws, taxation, labor and civil rights.

On the 2nd of July we held a discussion workshop called “Role of personal protective equipment in the safety management system”. The workshop was aimed at surveying general amendments in the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation in the area of labor protection, besides it included an exhibition of personal protective equipment, necessary for work at coal enterprises and mines. The workshop was attended by the managers from the procurement department, labor protection officers and plant foremen and supervisors from the TopProm enterprises.