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Environmental education

On the 5th of February our office hosted an ecology seminar by InEcA consultants for the TopProm’s directors and environmental engineers.

According to Andrey Borshchevich, our general director, the aim of the seminar was to define TopProm’s prospects amid changing environmental requirements.

The keynote speaker was Elena Goryakina, the representative of InEcA-consulting. In her speech she observed changes in environmental laws, which entered into force in early 2015. The changes affected the processes of licensing and certifying wastes. The state waste management policy focuses on maximum use of raw materials, minimizing wastes and decreasing their hazard class.

InEcA has already started to classify wastes of hazard classes I-IV and to develop the waste generation and disposal limits project for the Shchedrukhinskaya Plant. Besides we plan to further extend the cooperation with InEcA through environmental auditing at all our enterprises. Such measures will ensure the compliance of our plants’ performance with the environmental laws of Russia.