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Good chance of winning

On January 8th 2013 the 2nd round of regular Volleyball Championship among non-professional teams of Novokuznetsk city and the South of Kemerovo region started.

After the 1st round of the Championship, the TopProm team has good chances to struggle for the main trophy of the tournament - now they are the third among the playing teams. Following the results of the regular championship, the play-off among the four best teams will determine the Cup winner. The team captain Dmitry Grigoryev pointed out in his interview: “All players are full of determination to win the main prize in April 2013. Also on behalf of our team I would like to thank the Director of CJSC TopProm Nikolay Korolev for the financial support”. TopProm’s sports life is an essential part of our corporate culture that aims to unite the personnel and create united corporate spirit. 

The matches are held every Sunday in the gym of the Lyceum No.111. Everybody is welcome to support our team!