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Ilyinskoye village turns 380

On September 3rd 2012 there was a festive event dedicated to 380th anniversary of Ilyinskoye village. The villagers were congratulated by the Head of Ilyinskoye Rural Settlement Mikhail Lebedkov and the Head of Novokuznetky District Alexander Miroshnik.

Having summed up the results of Ilyinskoye Rural Settlement achievements for the year, Mr. Miroshnik told about ongoing projects and the village support by sponsors, particularly TopProm CJSC that recently donated a new building 790 square meters in area and almost 30 million roubles worth.

The dean of the Orthodox Church of Prophet Ilya Archpriest Mikhail Reemar in acknowledgement of the support to Ilyinskoye village presented a valuable gift to TopProm’s representative Victor Kiselev, the Head of Strategic Development Department, with the wishes of God’s help to the management and the staff in their charitable acts and undertakings.

In his welcoming speech Mr. Kiselev on behalf of Nikolay Korolev, the Director of TopProm CJSC, and on his behalf congratulated the villagers and told about the principle of not only business, but of the worldly life as well. This is, first of all, care about people, preservation of historical, cultural and natural heritage and creative approach to everything that one faces on the path of life. Mr. Kiselev also expressed TopProm’s intention to carry on the district improvements aiming to improve the villagers’ life.