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Top-tier company

Expert-Siberia business magazine (Issue No.34 of 8/26/2013) published its list of Kemerovo region’s Top 100 Companies ranked by 2012 total sales. TopProm Holding hit the top ten by growth rate with its 53.35%.

In terms of economics Kuzbass is a sustainably developing region, experts say; in fact it’s one of the 10 regions with the highest investment potential for large businesses in Russia. Coal industry being the primary one here keeps guaranteeing and promoting economic resilience.

Although 2012 generally showed downward trend in income increment, this was not a result of production cuts or changes of industrial structure, but a ramification of a fall in coal prices (25-30% and 27% for steam and coking grades respectively), currency movements, market structural changes and decrease in procurement by the principal consumers. The deficiency of open-top wagons for coal dispatch in the beginning of the year echoed as well.

Regardless of the general trend, TopProm Holding put in an all-round strong performance; having risen 21 positions from 2 years ago we are now number 29 in the Top 100 companies of Kemerovo region.

Source: Expert-Siberia magazine, Issue No.34 (386)