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Kuznetsky Alatau Natural Reserve turns 25

The first natural reserve was established in Kuzbass a quarter century ago. It covers 412.9 thousand hectares in the central part of Kuznetsky Alatau mountain range and bears its name.  

During these twenty-five years the Reserve has been carefully protecting river heads, high bogs, taiga lands and their dwellers. By now Kuznetsky Alatau has become a full natural complex with its own scientific stations, an ecology center and a museum. Wilderness of the area not only ensures preservation of red-listed species, but helps to increase the animals’ population.

Among volunteers who provide disinterested help to the Reserve’s staff are both individuals and companies.

“I want to thank Nikolay Korolev and the people of his company for their support and all our common projects, from which a recent one is a new anniversary photo book. It shows the wildlife, the protection activities, the scientific observations – in sum the life of Kuznetsky Alatau. My many thanks to all those who care about environment protection!” – these are the words of gratitude from Alexey Vasilchenko, the Reserve’s director.

Due to his longstanding support and eager participation in life of Kuznetsky Alatau Nikolay Korolev – the Board Chairman of TopProm CJSC - has been awarded a Medal for Contribution to Nature Preservation. This is what he says about the issue: “The recent years have seen an increase in the population of salmons, such as taimen, greenling and grayling. A major success is the growth in number of wild reindeer, to which Kuznetsky Alatau is home as well. The Reserve’s staff is doing its best to save and enrich natural resources of our region. I’m proud of the fact that we have contributed to that too and that our common projects bring actual results”.  

To date specially protected areas cover 14% of the Kuzbass territory. We believe that thanks to help and involvement of individuals and companies our land-based natural wealth along with coal will always be one of the Kuzbass’ symbols.