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New scales at plants

On April 3rd the Taibinskaya and Koksovaya plants put into operation new railway scales.  

The model Vesta-С100(31)/212 has been installed at the Taibinskaya’s 1st loading track, it is equipped with a by-truck weighing program for empty and loaded wagons. The scales, manufactured and installed by ASI Engineering Center, are recommended for use by the Russian railway authorities.

The Koksovaya’s unit is fitted with a by-truck weighing program for empty and loaded wagons as well.

The installation of railway scales is a requirement of the Russian railway authorities in accordance with the interstate standard GOST 22235-10 intended for preventing overweight and bringing weighing facilities in compliance with the metrological requirements on maintenance and operation. Fulfillment of this requirement creates opportunities for future increasing shipments of exported clean coal.