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Novokuznetsk – a city for life

On November 27 the representatives of businesses and governmental bodies of the city took part in the discussion “Ideas of development amid a post-industrial agglomeration”. The discussion was held in the course of the Social Lab “City for life”.

Among the topical issues were prospects of the city’s further development and ways to improve its investment attractiveness, socially responsible business opportunities, as well as assessment of municipal services’ efficiency.

The TopProm Holding’s General Director Andrey Borshchevich, who took part in the discussion, emphasized how important it is to raise industrial standards and to encourage greater personal responsibility of each employee for the successful performance of plants and factories. The panelists also supported the idea to create amusement parks and recreational facilities.  

All the ideas the participants came up with are to become are to push the city’s transition from a post-industrial agglomeration to a city for life.