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The Best People in TopProm

On July 25th, the TopProm Professionals Club was held as a video meeting.

At the conference, the members of the Board from the enterprises were considering candidates for the following company awards: the TopProm Honored Worker Order and the medal For special contribution to the development of the company. As a result two candidates for the Order (from the Shchedrukhinskaya plant) and four ones for the medal (from the Shchedrukhinskaya, Koksovaya, Taibinskaya washplants and the Yubileynaya mine) were selected for approval by the General Director Andrey Borshchevich and the Board Chairman Nikolay Korolev.

Also this week we've determined the best work sites in 2014-2015. The results of the competition between the work sites of the Holding will be announced at the solemn assembly devoted to the Miner's Day and the anniversary of TopProm on August 27th.