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Those who choose what’s more important

On the 23th of January Gelikon jazz-club hosted finalizing of the Sosimovich Journalist Contest, for which TopProm Holding had become the title sponsor for the second year in a row.

The annual contest is organized by the Kemerovo department of The Union of Journalists of Russia, the All-Russian Public Organization, to award outstanding authors and promote their professional skills. Novokuznetsk journalists submitted 103 pieces of writing 2014, 39 of them became winners and laureates.

The theme of our people’s life, their heroic deeds, victories and labor achievements is clearly discernible in all the contestants’ works, as these topics are of most importance and interest for the local media audience.

Our city mayor Sergey Kuznetsov attended the event as an honorary guest. In his speech he compared journalists to physicians, who must comply with the fundamental principle of the Hippocratic Oath – “do no harm”. The mayor highlighted the importance of the journalists’ labor and informational transparency in the city, he wished all the contestants to keep aware of all news and to enjoy their work.