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TopProm Professionals club

On December 9 the Koksovaya washery office hosted the 3rd meeting of the Professionals club. The items on the agenda were summarizing the TopProm Holding’s enterprises’ work in the 3rd quarter, discussing the Russian coal market situation and a report on attending plants and washeries in PRC.

The General Director Andrey Borshchevich emphasized the issues of raising the corporate culture and improving the labor safety and took stock of the TopProm enterprises’ performance in Q3. Generally the washed coal volume indices at the plants of Shchedrukhinskaya and Taibinskaya run to the plan, whereas the situation at the Koksovaya washery is quite challenging.

The reports on Chinese plants and washeries were given by the Shchedrukhinskaya plant Chief Engineer Dmitry Kolmagorov and the Director of the Koksovaya plant Dmitry Yeryomenko. The speakers reviewed Chinese know-how in the field of coal-washing and mining equipment production. The high level of discipline and corporate culture of the Chinese employees was particularly noted.

As a special guest the Professionals club received the senior scientific officer with Eastern Coal Chemistry Institute JSC (Yekaterinburg) Nikolay Andreychikov. He introduced general Russian coal market trends, coking coal quality characteristics as required by mills and coke plants and shaping of demand for coking grades of coal. Summing up the review, Nikolay stressed the importance of “ash and price” competitiveness for successful development at the market.  

The TopProm Holding Board Chairman Nikolay Korolev pointed out the efficiency of such meetings: “The Professionals club is an excellent way to meet and discuss topical issues”.